Harry gets revenge on the ministry fanfiction. "We can't afford it right now.

Harry gets revenge on the ministry fanfiction Too bad they won't receive it. The Magical Times went a different route, its headline. The Minister was not there at the moment but 14 dead Death eaters were. A large part of Dumbledore, the part which had been humbled by the realisation his delusions of grandeur accrued by the fight with Gellert Grindelwald, of being one of the leaders of a new world order where wizards, no longer fearing the muggles, could finally guide the Harry was more tired than he had ever been in his life, even his aches ached! The battle had been nearly one-sided with Tom and his forces using the unforgivable's and the Light's side with stunner's and leg locks jinx's. Harry and some of his fellow DA members, including Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna Lovegood, had battled a group of Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. Griphook climbed into the cart and waited for Harry to get in. "No, I get it," Harry said, patting her hand. She wasn't about to ask him either with Umbridge giving all of the staff passive-aggressive threats about the Ministry always watching. It had taken Harry a few days to get everything sorted out and had moved over to Miami, but now standing under the sun enjoying the rays hitting his skin "Ah," Lucius said, and the red-haired girl shouted, "Go, Harry; leave us!" The boy grabbed the brown-haired girl on the floor and dragged the red-haired boy with him. ' Harry stepped in, at first he didn't see Dumbledore until he looked towards Fawkes. It would have a lot more impact if he did. After that Harry leaves. "Sometimes he visits the Ministry. " Ruling the streets of Muggle London, the-lost-saviour goes under a new name, exacting punishments and revenge with a cruel hand and cold eyes. neatly folded in piles . Many in the Ministry deny these rumors, of course, but it is well known that Malfoy has been very friendly with Former Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Weasley were miserable. "She stays," Harry said shortly, drawing the curtains around his bed. Chapter 4: The Revenge of the Goblet of Fire. , Narcissa M. The man who had just come into his department and informed him that it had been decided that the Tri-Wizard Tournament was being brought back. Harry at 15 was short 5ft 6in skinny boy who weighed only a mere 5 stone. They could leave it until tomorrow, but Albus might find it and go through it and find things he shouldn't. "Let me get that, Harry," Lupin suggested. On the other hand though, even though he knew that Rabastan's body would mostly heal from the damage that had been done to it over the decade and a half he had spent in Azkaban, he was also sure that as he spent more time with Rabastan Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Or maybe, it's rather predictable. , Amelia B. Instead of stepping in, Harry just stood there looking at the door. Expected to be in attendance will be Albus Dumbledore. Author: Sakya. Narcissa cast a gentle sleeping charm over both babies. He hastily wore his clothes then looked down at Harry's still paralyzed body . "Welcome to the Ministry of Magic, visitor," a familiar voice welcomed Harry. — DP & SW: TFoP — In the following weeks, Daphne and Hermione could think of little else but Harry — all alone and suffering in the dark, willing to endure his own private hell just to manoeuvre the enemy where they needed him. Rated: Fiction M - English - Horror/Fantasy - Harry P. HE'S HAD THIS COMING FOR FIFTEEN YEARS. No flames welcome. - Chapters: 17 - Words: 42,775 - Reviews: 519 - Favs: 2,430 - Follows: 3,068 - Updated: 10/4/2017 - Published: 8/27/2016 - id: 12122743 Harry Potter: Master of Malicious Compliance by Watermelonsmellinfellon. Summary: Harry is sent to Azkaban, and a year later, he escapes. Instead, Harry's soul, magic, and memories end up at the beginning of Second Year — in GILDEROY LOCKHART! HARRY'S REVENGE. "Not this time," she stated as if she knew what he was thinking. Just as Sirius is plugging away at cutting the fat at the Ministry. "Get the prophecy," the man said and Narcissa nodded. Everyone was forced to take an oath of silence and each time Harry went out he was tagged with numerous guards. Thanks for the reviews, hope you like my Dark Harry. A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Of Stories Told because seriously, that review took me half an hour to read and respond to. Will you help us?" Harry looked at them for a long moment. It had taken Harry a month to get settled concerning the surgeries and getting the banking details worked out. She looked towards the Ministry entrance; she would have liked to Floo in, but on the other hand, presentation was important. Weasley made him stay there until he was rescued by members of the Order of the Phoenix. - Harry Potter and The Revenge of the Goblet of Fire. This is part of an ongoing challenge and will be revealed soon! After Voldemort is dead, who is the real Dark Lord now? What happens when Harry protects the Death Eaters? He has a brother? Ministry Undecided! Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Won, escaped from St. CRUCIO!" Wormtail writhed in agony on the ground. net | Category : Harry Potter | Rated : Fiction M | Chapters : 11 | Words : 143,267 | Reviews : 1,142 | Favs : 6,685 | Follows : 2,898 | Updated : Apr 12, 2016 | Published : Mar 24 Harry sent a note to Professor Dumbledore to let him know that they were going to the Ministry. " The elf began, usual tone replaced by one of fear, Harry looked ready to murder "The Proffessor has been using you as a weapon, training you to fight Voldemort and die as you do it. If you want to flame so much, go and flame "Tonight, I will finally get my revenge on Harry Potter. "Ready?" he asked. She doubted the Ministry actually was "always watching" but she wasn't about to risk her job over it even if it was an empty threat. *Shrugs* Anyway, hope you guys like it. Voldemort's plan to use Harry for retrieving the remaining half of a prophecy made sixteen years ago was thwarted when the globe holding the record was smashed. The other boy, who Nymphadora now knew was Neville Longbottom, helped the Weasley girl to her feet and assisted her in quickly leaving the room. Harry duels him, gets hit by killing curse and when Voldemort mocks everyone Harry gets up and stabs his back with sword. "Accio Firebolt!" Within seconds, the broom appeared near him and Harry ran towards the speeding broom and jumped on. Sep 26, 2021 · A Quiet Revenge. "Professor' Harry said 'You have to believe me, I told you everything that happened on the graveyard, you know I can't cast Avada Kedavra…"Harry begged, crying by now. The Daily Prophet didn't normally send out editions at this time of day, but they would if a really important event or story was taking place that couldn't wait for a future edition. He agreed and Bellatrix was our bounder. " "I asked him to take an Unbreakable Vow that he would do what Draco had to do if Draco was unable to do it. Harry looked all around for the voice but could not place the source. "Ya, just one more, how much damage can he do?" Harry said, trying to reassure both his honorary grandfather and himself. Nov 14, 2022 · And if Harry was honest, he hated his job more than just a little bit; he was good at it (there was no doubt about that) but it was miserable work. He was a mess, she was not getting out of this, alive, Harry would go free and get away with murder. AU Ritually abused by the Dursley's, young Harry Potter learns to count on himself. Ministry officials said that Harry Potter is unable to attend but extended his full cooperation with the Ministry. I am stuck on and in something. It didn't last long, because Sirius was killed last year when Voldemort lured Harry and his friends into the Ministry of Magic. I groaned as I got up. Harry called before the elf apppeared, thrusting the letter at him he said venomously "Is this true?" "Yes, My Lord. It was the most fun Harry had had in years. Molly was surprised when an owl dropped the edition of the Daily Prophet, and she turned her head and glanced at the clock. , Pansy P. Crazy!Harry. Harry had talked Professor Dumbledore into discussing the Prophecy with the Ministry. "Let's get the tent down and we'll leave," Sirius said, moving to where the tent was. Albus Dumbledore was worried. Harry nodded and stepped back from Lupin, ignoring the slight frown on the werewolf's face. Voldemort attacks after exams when he learned from his spies about the hunt. Lupin pulled out his wand and shrunk the trunk. He should have known that Hermione and Ron wouldn't let him do it alone. House: Gryffindor. " "I understand. One-shot. screw it don't care if its super tropey, but i want to see a WBWL story wherein Harry gets revenge on his parents and family (one or both of them) and am totally cool wit varying shades of bashing. He had been dying for a long time now, fully aware his time was coming to an end. Sequel to Harry Potter and the Pink-Haired Auror. AU: Harry has a twin brother who is hailed as the boy-who-lived. Warning : this story contains DARK Harry, OP Harry, Dumbledore Bashing, Hermione Bashing, Weasley Bashing, Wizarding World Bashing and Dragon Harry. It took Harry a moment to realize that Ron hadn't awoken Harry over his dream. Standard ELTH (Everyone Lies to Harry), AU after year six (summary inside), Manipulative Dumbledore/Weasleys, Cunning Harry. He even heard Hermione's happiness above everybody else's, and it made him grin at her. RR please. Harry stepped onto the spiral staircase, the door to the office was open but Harry knocked. As for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, it continued with the three official champions and proved to be a rallying point as all of Hogwarts supported Cedric and the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin evaporated without Snape's nastiness and Dumbledore's manipulations to encourage it. SMUT Lemons Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Harry P. - Words: 3,508 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 - Published: 10/8/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13968890 Harry asked, wondering if he should put his name in it. Last Time. The Ministry of Magic. Harry had tried to gain the attention by doing wandless magic. , N. Jul 16, 1996 · Harry follows the path of revenge but he is not the only one with a score to settle after the events of the previous year. And Harry finally gets to enjoy the sweetness of revenge-on the Dursleys. May 17, 2016 · - Harry Potter and The Revenge of the Goblet of Fire. The Houses Competition (THC) Y8, Round 2. Sins of Dumbles and Snapey. Suddenly a brave wizard stopped running to fire a curse at him. This sludge… bloody hell is disgusting. She had been a bit taken aback to discover that the Ministry did indeed have a section of their building devoted entirely to classes for whatever anyone might need—from gnome handling to household potion brewing to living in a muggle Harry relit his wand and stared down the hallway, he saw the illuminated figures of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle laying on the floor, dazed but unharmed. linkffn(9057950) And also, Holy fuck, you just reminded me of a different fic that pissed me right the hell off. At the age of 4, Harry had been neglected heavily. Oct 31, 2006 · Title: The Best Revenge. Language: English Words: 4,269 Chapters: 2/2 Collections: 3 Comments: 100 Harry blinked away the memories from a few weeks ago and entered the booth and dialed six-two-four-four-two. During today's visit to Hogsmeade, Ginny was planning on sneaking back to the castle and destroying a classroom. After that, we will strengthen our forces and take Hogwarts. He vowed to kill Dumbledore, even if it was the last thing he did. Between a choice of helping against Voldemort or getting revenge on my father, he will always choose to get revenge on my dead father. Class: Transfiguration. "Do not worry my boy, when you get here tomorrow the adoption papers will be for you to sign. Revenge is Sweetest When There's an Audience. Harry Potter Gets Revenge (COMPLETE) Fanfiction. Harry's Harry himself resented the Ministry for that, and he hadn't been the one rotting in prison. longer/complete is better and feel free to include Lord of many houses and other things. With a swift movement of his wand he conjured a set of clothes . For sixteen years, he was treated worse than a Malfoy House Elf. " Hopefully Harry — prodigy, Slytherin, duelling-master Harry — would be able to at least distract her a bit. With that, he was stunned and dragged away to a ministry holding cell, his friends all looking on in disbelief. Harry already had the cloak in his position and they found the stone in the ring once belonged to Slytherin. Notes: The Harry here is someone unexpected actually. "I can't move. With the protection wards around his relatives' house gone, it will be no problem to get in and kill Potter, and those muggles he lives with. Harry got interested in potions though because he learned that many of the Avens had a talent at it. Neville was determined to get revenge for his parents, whom Bellatrix tortured into insanity. which of his friends will stay by his side during this revenge and w Get back down to the atrium, the people inside the building would be evacuated by Harry's men, sending them down in the elevators and out of the ministry through the floo. Harry crouched low and looked at Draco "Hello Draco, I think I just saved your life. "Go on. "Harry, help!" came out of the dog's mouth in Ron's voice. "State your name and business with the Ministry. A little bit of revenge. At least, Harry thought, it was Ron that landed up to his arse in muddy bog water. The students had just returned to Hogwarts from the summer holidays, and were currently sitting at their respective tables eating after the sorting. " Albus simply shook his head. She gently posed their heads together and their hands clasped. "He's not getting away this time, Moony. That and it would give them a private place for Lily to get into Harry's head. oooOOOooo Apr 24, 2012 · "Waiting outside in the hall. And oh was Harry right, because a warp latter, where he for the first time in his life managed to keep standing he saw that he was in the entrance hall of the ministry and…he was surrounded by reporters , fans, ministry officials,… Chapter 3. Harry pulled out the elder wand, the same wand he picked up after disarming Dumbledore two years ago. Harry and Tonks arrived at Privet Drive after the will reading. ' "Oh why" sobbed Hermione. May 9, 2022 · 2 years have gone by. Harry and Hermione vanished and re-appeared in the Minister's office. I had no idea, at the time, that it was to kill Dumbledore so that the Dark Lord could get the Elder Wand. Approximately at 1am today, Harry Potter was confirmed escaped from Azkaban. Hans had felt a slight sting as he entered the Ministry of Magic from the Floo. Harry wants revenge. K Harry gets revenge. "Go on, Harry! Get up there!" said Harry gets revenge before he is thrown back in time where he has the been given a second chance at life. One that Dolores Umbridge would regret. Harry readily accepts, thinking he'll start anew as a Firstie. For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would take down the Ministry or die trying. , Harry's last hope appeared, Dumbledore. Griphook just shrugged and led Harry towards the door where the cart that would take them to the underground caverns. Back at the Dursleys again. After discovering magic at a young age, he practices to become stronger to protect those weaker than him. Prompt(s) chosen: [Action] Sneaking around, [Location] Woods (small forest) Word count: 2,485. "Your dislike of Severus is neither here nor there. The ministry has nearly fallen. Hearing the screams and sound of explosions was like music to his ears. They sent a stunner at us as we tried to get out of the car!" "But where was your guard? There should have been someone there the moment you arrived!" "I don't know; I didn't expect anyone to be there, though I suppose I Here's chapter 11: Revenge, version Two! Finally an update! Sad to say, this story just doesn't get as much attention with how busy I am with all the others, two in particular, but I am still plugging away at it. , Remus L. Oct 8, 2021 · What If: Snape had tried to get revenge on the Marauders in school after Sirius's cruel prank? One-shot Wolfstar Rated: Fiction T - English - Sirius B. XxXxXxX. Narcissa righted the crib and laid baby Harry inside. Apparently the portkey was set to activate when the trip was over and not before. It was time for Harry to get his hearing on whether he'd be expelled or not. " He patted the boy on the shoulder and went to the back of the train and opened the rear door. Very wrong indeed! - Harry Potter and The Revenge of the Goblet of Fire. It has been speculated that Malfoy's endeavors had all been preparation for the return of the Dark Lord. Unfortunately you have to go home now. Pairing(s): Harry? (Yet to When Pansy Parkinson is tossed aside by Draco Malfoy, she decides to both help herself and get revenge on the blonde ferret by hooking up with the Man-Who-Conquered, Harry Potter. He started when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Can I get an agreement from you for something if I Wrapped in it, she was awaiting Lucius Malfoy, who thought he was coming in to discuss tax matters with a senior Ministry official- Harry had sent this letter himself, with Cho Chang copying the runic signature of the Ministry, but he was really going to his final meeting, one with death, a death that had a very sharp and very enchanted knife "Are you sure, Harry? You know what this will look like to the Ministry, don't you?" "I know, but it couldn't be helped. "Harry James Potter; I'm here to meet with the Rufus Scrimgeour. It was a slim possibility, but it was there. All except for one person. Ginny and Kayla reluctantly lowered their wands and Dumbledore along with the staff did not look too pleased with Harry going into Ministry custody. "We can't afford it right now. Harry removed them and sent them to other Magical communities through out England. He saw the golden statue and raised his wand to destroy. He eliminates the Dark Lord with naught but a thought, and soon the world is begging for his forgiveness. When he first got his expulsion letter, he wanted nothing more than to curse Vernon and his increasingly red face, but letters from Sirius and Mr. Harry had spent most his time in the library, trying to absorb as much information as possible. Snape was currently bull shitting his way through a speech on his excellence as a teacher. Thank you. This is my first Fanfic, please enjoy (Harry/Hermione) Rated T for now, will adjust to see how this story evolves. - The fateful minute was up and time had run out for the remaining fourth mature age champion, and their attention was drawn back to the Goblet of Fire Jul 18, 2021 · Minerva hadn't gotten any update on Severus's arrangement that she suggested. Harry Potter & The Ministry Fucked Up "I better have heard that wrong," Harry ground out as he stared at the man in front of him. Aug 4, 2017 · Revenge Is So Sweet by elvirakitties Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. Harry grinned at the crowd of students, press, Ministry Officials, and distinguished guests. When the Golden Trio attempt to infiltrate the Department of Records at the Voldemort-held ministry, they are ambushed and unwittingly discover secrets long forgotten. You got to get her out of here before everyone else wakes up," Ron whispered. Category: Standard. Harry would reluctantly do this only after he had a replacement. The terrier Patronus that Harry knew all too well shot in his direction. Unless the Dark Lord has returned like people thought after the cup and is sneaking into Hogwarts to get revenge on you I reckon you'll have a nice quiet night. Revenge. According to the DMLE Head Kingsley Shacklebolt, Potter brought in proof of the removal of over 30,000 galleons from his trust vault. Harry sat back and smiled, the first steps had been taken. "You have the potential to be great, Potter. - Thank you for reading. just would prefer low key on the smut if its in there Both Ron and Hermione gave her a surprised look, but the youngest Weasley responded with a scowl of her own at them. Harry approached his newly created entrance and smiled, in a few moments, he would have Amy back and get his revenge on one of the persons responsible for keeping her away from him. Nothing Harry could do would get the Australian Ministry of Magic to authorize a new one. Dumbledore still doesn't train Harry. Harry POV. Harry said "Let Sunrise and Sunset know that Ginny's in charge now. Harry was standing but barely as she was sure he had broken bones this time. Please review, I am still learning to write stories. Whosever name I call will be accompanying me to end his life. minister Turridge, killing several of his escort aurors. Aug 26, 2023 · The day has finally come. Then they would all head down to the department of mysteries and take it over. Read stories related to harry gets revenge on the ministry fanfiction online for free. Disclaimers/Triggers: Light swearing, mentions of death. They went there in order to save Sirius Black, but soon realized they were tricked and there was no Sirius in the department. Now Albus and the remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix had to find a way to defeat Voldemort without Harry. Also, the story now has 100 percent more Coke. It is in the opinion of this reporter that the war so far has not been going well for the Ministry and wanted to use this chance to calm the public. As they reached the tenth level where the courtroom for the Wizengamot was, Sirius squeezed Harry's hand tightly before stepping into the courtroom. I was in a bed. Please RR! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Drama - Words: 1,496 - Reviews: 3 - Published: 10/20/2003 - id: 1567831 "You f***ing bastard" screamed Harry. His godfather. There is a lot of fat. All but one, Harry Potter, had not returned with the rest. Severus Snape, potion master, greasy git, death eater and spy, slowly came back to consciousness after what, to him, was an undetermined amount of time but was in reality about four days. A big one by all accounts, being in front of the Wizengamot on trumped-up charges of killing a pureblood wizard, one Tom Marvolo Riddle. . Feb 27, 2013 · Ginny had then thought of a plan to get Hermione into more trouble, hoping Harry would get sick of his girlfriend's behaviour and dump her. HARRY POTTER DEMENTOR SLAYER! The entire front page showed a moving photo of Harry drenched from the rain destroying a Dementor. Harry Potter was in a hole. Harry Potter and the Hero's Path by TheJackOfDiamonds. Tonks] Andromeda T. Harry not wanting to talk or do anything quickly went into his room and took of the uncomfortable, after living in the muggle world most of his life he found jeans and shirts much more comfortable than wizards robes. Mungos, eluding dozens of Aurors and members of the paramilitary group, the Order of the Phoenix, run by Albus Dumbledore. The Ministry of Magic made a big mistake after the Battle of Hogwarts. In a shocking press release from the Ministry today, it was learned that Harry Potter, 17, has filed charges of grand theft against Molly Weasley,(48) Ronald Weasley, (17) and Ginerva Weasley (16). Harry whistled and Nightlight flew into the Great Hall through the double doors and landed on Harry's shoulder. "Harry Potter's Anger, Pain, And Revenge" Chapter 2 "Work The Plan" When Harry got back, Vernon was they Dorkley's were just sitting in front of the telly. " Harry had his answer ready. Beta: Alix33. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - [Harry P. Chapter 3 – Weasleys' Revenge. Recommend the book like "Harry Potter: A Tale of Revenge", we provide the most popular harry gets revenge on the ministry fanfiction such as: harry gets revenge fanfiction, harry gets revenge on umbridge fanfiction, harry potter gets revenge on umbridge fanfiction. We need your help. He was broken out by George, Angelina and Dennis, after 7 days of torture. Summary: Pansy thought she had the best plan ever to get rid of the competition, but did she? Harry finds a new family and powerful friends in a new country where he can get in to a lot of trouble…as usual. " "Have a good night Moody. " Harry answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Dobby arrived with Draco just a moment later. It felt that this had somehow happened before and something was wrong. " Harry replied genuinely. Harry for his part did not look at his aunt at all, she would suffer, Dudley sat in the kitchen, the knife his father used still in his hand which was driven into the "Harry! Run! Use your broom to get away!" the voice said. Jul 30, 2023 · The battle in the ministry didn't ended as it did in the books. If he only knew how it would all come crashing down in the next few minutes. It is in places that mud should never go. Rating: Oh, my! I don't know yet. "GET BACK. 'Come in Harry. It often meant he'd have to go to extreme lengths to make people suffer for their stupidity, but the results were always worth it. He had no desire to hear anything concerning Britain and hadn't even read another magical newspaper, so it was the first time he called for Winky that he received the bad news – the very bad news. I know it hurts, Harry. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. Harry rolled his eyes and walked over to his trunk. Harry Potter was not above doing whatever it took to get what he wanted. "Reducto" said Harry in a bored voice. Harry looked down at Hermione, still sleeping peacefully beside him. For Teddy Lupin, Harry Potter would become a Dark Lord. While the wards set up to repel Grindelwald's forces had indeed not been removed as he'd suspected, it would appear that some sympathizers who'd decided to help Grindelwald's followers gain employment following Grindelwald's defeat had also erected a modification to the Ministry's wards which negated the Anti Harry didn't have to give a password to the gargoyles, they moved aside when he approached. Harry's clothes vanished some time ago . "Well, I'll leave you do it then Potter. Harry Potter's Anger, Pain, And Revenge" Chapter 1 "The Slide Begins" Harry just looked at the blank walls of his bedroom. Harry was grateful that Ginny believed him, but couldn't say more to her because Dumbledore called his name out once again. Seeing the absolute worst of humanity, seeing the ways that criminals still got out of receiving justice even when the DMLE did everything right. The future of the British magical world was on the hands of a small group of people ready to avenge their friends and family. She lay Draco in the crib beside Harry. - Words: 5,242 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 246 - Follows: 396 - Published: 9/19 Harry learns some things before Dumbledore wanted to or didn't want him to at all, Harry feels betrayed and intends to bankrupt and disgrace Dumbledore as a start of the revenge he has planned before moving onto other people who have treated him wrong, insulted him for no good reason or to try and mask their own incompetence. Harry Potter is about to begin his 5th year of Hogwarts when he discovers that his parents have been alive the whole time and that Dumbledore was lying to him. Site : fanfiction. Harry guessed what he needed cleaning charms for . YOU, REMUS, SHOULD BE THE FIRST ONE TO REALIZE THIS. Now he returns and his goal is to get even with people who betrayed him. It wasn't only Sirius that died that day. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore said in a louder tone than the last time. Albus Dumbledore was dying. My story editor doesn't really like Dark Harry, so I did all the edits of this one on my own. They had learned that it was the fabled Wand of Destiny or Death Stick one of the three Deathly Hollows. - While the Goblet of Fire was having a very strange Déjà vu moment. here the Dark Lord paused in true gloating format, while letting his questions sink in further, and seeing no motion from Harry continued to get to the crux of the matter. " Reluctantly Harry hugged Albus one last time before he walked toward the floo to leave. At 12:50 on Saturday, she met Harry outside the door of the Ministry classroom she was to teach her class in. Rated: Fiction M - English - Family - Harry P. Acting upon what he had just heard, Harry pulled out his wand and summoned his Firebolt broom. "Shut up you bastard, you're a disgrace for your parents! They must be turning in their graves as they see how low their only son has After killing Voldemort Harry leaves Britain for a year. " Indeed, according to Ministry, everyone in the entire cemetery should be chucked into the nearest loony bin, and Harry had efficiently reminded them of it. As soon as the announcement was made, several of the dark lord's followers opened fire on. " Over the year they find horcruxes and destroy them with some help from Dumbledore. Harry looked at Remus with the same crazed look on his face. Incompetent that they might be, they still had the aurors and Unspeakables. Now, he has the support of the Ministry, several seats on the Wizengamot and more than enough money to buy his way out of anything he does to them. Harry downed the last of his butterbeer and left. The trio were stuck and without Hermione, none knew how to obtain muggle passage back to England. Join me? And I will help you get revenge on those who betrayed and abandoned you. Oneshot. She decided that perhaps the Muggles had taught him Mar 25, 2011 · Harry's 3rd year at Hogwarts was a bit more hectic, after all he did have a serial killer after him, but he did get a lot more chances to sneak away to the Chamber of Secrets. Before he knew it he was lost in his own thoughts and he almost did not realize that Bellatrix disappeared on him in the middle of their battle but when he heard a scream he was woken from his own thoughts. Harry also stepped into the room and felt rather sick. " And Potter sounded as if he did, was the wonder! Dolores thought, guiding him towards the Ministry entrance again. Thank you very much. Death wants free of its Master and proposes sending Harry back in time to avoid the unnecessary deaths in fighting Voldemort. Malfoy didn't meet Harry's eyes , nor did he make any smug remark humiliating Harry . I hope you like it. Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. You aren't even supposed to know the Weasleys," she added, placing a hand on his arm. All Harry wanted to do was rest and relax yet that didn't seem to happen, so here he was in self imposed exile to him it seemed like the better option rather than been the ministry's lap dog. Summary: Revenge is sweet, especially if you do it yourself. Maybe he should have gone without breakfast. Please review, thanks. He approached the hole and saw Fudge lying unconscious on the ground, which gave some satisfaction but he still tightened the grip on his sword's handle, there was This has Harry get revenge on Lily and James for neglecting him and his sister. - Words: 2,504 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 275 - Follows: 253 - Published: 10/18/2021 - id: 13974854 Set in the Marauder days, Snape finally gets fed up with the pranks from the Marauders and decides to get revenge. Sirius Black. He knew right now his pain might allow him to get close to a unicorn, if he waited too long, his anger would take too much precedence as his plan came together. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. "Dobby, I need you to get the folder titled "Ministry Family Paperwork" from Lucius' study. Biography of Harry Potter, Page 8 and 9. Harry went around the corner and enlarged his trunk. Harry has thought about his revenge on the Dursleys for years, knowing that one day he would leave and never return. I'll have to go over this one later. Harry Potter himself then revealed himself and fired a killing curse at the minister. , Dobby - Words: 14,749 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 200 - Follows: 121 - Published: 8/17/2024 - Status: Complete - id: 14383693 The Sum of Their Parts by holdmybeer. All of the official Order members advanced on Harry. Maybe that's all it was; a dream. Sirius. , Sirius B. ieccn twtrv mbk tvxmo epdgg cau buigxz zjur ficmwu puii prcb lfjt jit oiunz kirs