Desoto county sheriff. The unit can also assist in locating missing persons.
Desoto county sheriff Motorists citated under Florida State Statute 316. That means all residents, businesses, and organizations in the annexed area are officially members of Olive Branch on May 28, 2021. To file a report, you can call the DeSoto County Sheriff's Department at 662-469-8027 and have a deputy come out to your location. The DeSoto County Connect App is available for free on Apple’s App Store and Google Play. Feb 25. Fees 208 East Cypress Street, Arcadia, Fl. Find out the latest news, updates, and contact information from Sheriff James F. Desoto County Emergency Services is part of the Mississippi Office of Homeland Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. Administrative duties include serving as the county's jailer and submitting a budget of his office to the Board of Supervisors. 14 hours ago · A DeSoto County Sheriff's Office deputy received recognition Monday following his injury after putting his car in front of a speeding wrong-way driver on I-269. The Fugitive Unit is responsible for the execution of outstanding warrants issued in DeSoto County. 34266 | (863) 993-4700 | (941) 743-6777 South County Residents | Facebook Icon Twitter Icon YouTube Icon Learn about the current Sheriff of DeSoto County, MS, who has 30 years of law enforcement experience and served as Lt. DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Every Spring, the DeSoto County Board of Supervisors Environmental Services Department places dumpsters in areas across DeSoto County for one week for residential use. DeSoto County's Household Hazardous Waste Day will be announced in 2025. The Board also meets on the third Monday of the month, unless conflicts require that meeting to be moved to another day. The DeSoto County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Unit is known throughout the region for excellence and professionalism. Room 200. Requests for public records can be submitted in writing directed to DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office Attn: Custodian of Public Records 208 East Cypress Street, Arcadia, Florida 34266. Tuggle Ⅱ The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office and Public Safety - DeSoto County, FL is currently on scene of a structure fire at 1457 NE Forrest Ave. The Circuit Court tries felony criminal cases and civil actions involving issues of $200,000 and above. from 1999 to 2009 As of December 2017 Colonel Vitali has approximately 2064 credited training hours. For example, reports by the DeSoto County Sheriff's Department should be requested from the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office; the same goes for records and reports created by Hernando, Horn Lake, Southaven, Olive Branch and Walls Police Departments. These warrants consists of felony, misdemeanor, and civil warrants. DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 The DeSoto County Board of Supervisors meet the first Monday of the month, unless it is a holiday. March 12, 2025-You may remember the story of a DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department K-9 who died during a car chase, ending with an officer-involved shooting incident that took the life of the K-9 when shot by the suspect. Jan 1, 2024 · Justice Court. DeSoto County, like most counties, holds their Tax Sale on the last Monday in August each year. The deputy is stable; the driver is in custody. The Desoto County Sheriff's Department serves as the primary law enforcement agency for Desoto County, Mississippi. 34266 | (863) 993-4700 | (941) 743-6777 South County Residents | Facebook Icon Twitter Icon YouTube Icon The judge approved the annexation of approximately 18. 610 for faulty or unsafe equipment, may come to the Sheriff's Office with their citation for inspection under Florida State Statute 316. The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office seeks to employ qualified individuals, who have a desire to pursue a challenging career in law enforcement, whether the choice is to be a certified officer, a line officer in the Adult or Juvenile Detention Facilities or in a support staff position, and who are dedicated to completing their assigned tasks with ****FLYING COLORS**** The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office recently trained deputies on the use of LPVOs (low power variable optics). Room 100 and Room 104 both have agents available to assist you. 34266 | (863) 993-4700 | (941) 743-6777 South County Residents | Facebook Icon Twitter Icon YouTube Icon Mar 5, 2025 · A DeSoto County Sheriff's deputy was hospitalized after stopping a wrong-way driver on I-269, being hailed as a hero by Sheriff Tuggle. Phone: 662-469-8500. Lt. He joined the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office in 2011 as a Detention Deputy. Contact Information: Lieutenant Eduardo Trijullo etrujillo@sheriffdesotofl. Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. DeSoto County Sheriff's Office 208 East Cypress Street Arcadia, Florida 34266 863-993-4700 ext: 2297 . Election Information. DeSoto County will be honoring a Sheriff’s Deputy for his heroic action to save lives. The uniform patrol division is the largest unit within the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office. K-9 Liberty is a purebred Belgian Malinois. For information concerning an inmate, search our online jail docket or call 662-469-8500. through 4:00 p. In addition Desoto County Emergency Services provides mutual aid response upon request to the municipalities of Desoto County. Dec 24, 2024 · DeSoto County Sheriff Thomas Tuggle "swears in" first-grade student Kendall Bean Jr. A. Home Desoto County Emergency Services provides fire, rescue, and hazardous materials response to the unincorporated areas of Desoto County. The CLEA has been developed to further the Office's goal of expanding the Community Oriented Policing philosophy throughout the department and the community. About The Sheriff. Kendall says he wants to be a police officer when he grows up. Milestones like earning our first Certificate of Accreditation stand as a testament to the hard work, dedication, and professionalism of our deputies and staff. W. Deputies strive to meet the needs of the citizens and visitors of DeSoto County. 5 square miles of unincorporated DeSoto County. ) We can only serve papers to individuals or businesses that are located within DeSoto County. LeAnn Farr DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 The DeSoto County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) date back to the early 1970s and began with a small handful of volunteers, a used hearse and a dedication to helping others. 00 to $75. Household Hazardous Waste Day. NEW IN 2025: Honorably discharged Veterans, who are 90 DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. K-9 teams are trained in the detection of either narcotics or explosives. The Deadline to file is 5:00 PM, April 1, 2025. John Hopkins University COVID-19 Tracker. While patrolling the 640 square miles of territory that make up DeSoto County, Deputy Sheriff’s respond to a wide range of criminal and non-criminal calls for service. We currently have 22 dispatchers that field calls (emergency and non-emergency) and dispatch emergency responders such as: 3 County ambulances; 8 Fire departments; Animal control; Civil Defense; Constables; Court Bailiffs; Desoto County Sheriff The Criminal Investigation Division is dedicated to providing quality service to the citizens of DeSoto County through successful investigations and follow ups of specific criminal actions which occur within the jurisdiction of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Department. during his visit to Horn Lake Elementary on Dec. 12 hours ago · DESOTO COUNTY, Miss. Spring Cleanup in 2024 will be from April 13-April 21. 34266 | (863) 993-4700 | (941) 743- DeSoto County Sheriff's Office Attention:Civil Process Division 208 E Cypress Street Arcadia, Florida 34266 Fax Number 863-491-4025 Phone: (863) 993-4700 Ext 2233 Lieutenant Jenny Cross jcross@desotosheriff. The Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcer in the county and has jurisdiction over the county. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. Find out how to contact, visit or join the office and discover its history and achievements. Feb 10. Applications are accepted in the Chancery Court Offices on the 1st floor of the DeSoto County Courthouse, located at 2535 Highway 51 South in Hernando, Mississippi. In 2013, he left the agency to pursue college and another profession. You may also come to the sheriff's department at 3091 Industrial Dr. (WMC) - On Monday morning. 3423 Industrial Drive W, Hernando, MS 38632. Tuggle Ⅱ The mission of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office is to protect and serve the citizens of our county. Fees Jail Information. Over the course of 24 hours of training, deputies learned how to accurately engage targets from 500 yards and in, meeting rigorous standards in a fast-paced and dynamic class. Use this map link to determine which constable and/or justice court judge has jurisdiction for any location in DeSoto County. Popular Links. He has obtained formal training in Advanced Leadership and is a General Instructor, as well as, a Firearms Instructor. Link: Sheriff's Department Page Find the phone numbers, fax numbers and address of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office in Arcadia, Florida. The DeSoto County Sheriff is elected at-large and serves a four-year term. The efforts of that first volunteer group spread throughout the county and eventually each town was provided with an ambulance in exchange for providing fuel and personnel. Mar 23. 1 day ago · A DeSoto County Sheriff’s deputy who put himself in the path of an oncoming vehicle to stop a wrong way driver on the interstate was honored by the county for his heroic actions. Inmates. Only the Official Records of DeSoto County Mississippi provided in the DeSoto County Tax Collector's office shall be referenced as the Official Records. This page is not monitored 24hrs a day. DeSoto County Mississippi disclaims any responsibility and makes no representations or warranties as to the quality, accuracy, content, or completeness of any information contained in this website. They are also crossed trained in locating and, if needed, apprehension of suspects. Arcadia, Florida 34266. Directions Physical Address: View Map 3091 Industrial Drive W Hernando, MS 38632. As tax assessor, his duties include: Maintaining the tax maps; Assisting homeowners with Homestead Exemption applications from January 1 through April 1 of each year; Preparing the tax roll for the Board of Equalization Applications are accepted in the County Court Office on the 2 nd floor of the DeSoto County Courthouse, located at 2535 Highway 51 South in Hernando, Mississippi. New Sheriff's Office Mobile App. Their priority is the safety and security of all who they have sworn to serve. Bellflower returned to work as a Detention Deputy with the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office. As Chief Deputy, Smith is the designated authority of Sheriff Tuggle in the day-to-day operations of the office and is authorized to make decisions on behalf of Sheriff Tuggle in his absence. We’ll also hear from Sergeant Brock. On March 29 Photo: DeSoto County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Luca. gov DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. aspx. Site Links. 208 East Cypress Street, Arcadia, Fl. DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Contact Us; Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. Sergeant Trujillo was raised in DeSoto County, where he graduated and is currently attending a private University to obtain his degree. However, the total cost of processing the fingerprints in order to meet the request of the citizen may cost from $35. We believe all citizens should be treated with respect and dignity. Desoto County Jail 311 West South Street Hernando, MS 38632. The Circuit Court Administrator assists the Judge by scheduling cases and If you would like to request DeSoto County Sheriff's Office for any community-related program or service, please contact Tish Clark at Tclark@desotocountyms. 208 East Cypress Street. Nov 5, 2024 · If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary of State's Office at 800-829-6786 or the DeSoto County Circuit Clerk's office at 662-469-8365. Emergency Phone: 911. The mission of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office is to protect and serve the citizens of our county. 1 day ago · The DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office has captured two unregistered sex offenders. 19. DeSoto County Tax Assessor. The APP provides streamlined access to the information on the County’s website including; Courts, Agendas, Elections, Maps, Payments, and more. You must provide the address where the individual or debtor resides or is employed. 6105 Violations involving operation of motor vehicle in The Desoto County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit is comprised of eight deputies and their K-9 partners. DeSoto County is 23rd Circuit Court District. The Desoto County Sheriff's Department's dispatch center is a 24 hour 7 day a week operation. The Desoto County Sheriff's Office has officers placed at Walls Elementary, Lake Cormorant Elementary, Lake Cormorant Middle, Lake Cormorant High, Horn Lake Elementary, Horn Lake Intermediate, Horn Lake Middle, Horn Lake High, Shadow Oaks Elementary, DC Career Tech West, Northpoint Christian School, Lewisburg Primary, Lewisburg Elementary DESOTO COUNTY NOTICES EMPLOYMENT MY FLORIDA EMPLOYEE EMAIL. Box address will be accepted. Last week, according to the DCSO, on Thursday, deputies tracked down Timothy Keesler, a wanted sex offender from Sheriff Thomas E. W. No individuals were injured, and no traffic is impacted at this time. m. County Registrar. 208 East Cypress Street Nov 5, 2024 · Homestead Exemption Applications are being accepted at the DeSoto County Tax Assessor's Office located at 365 Losher Street, Suite 100, Hernando, MS. DeSoto County Sheriff's Office COVID-19 Precautions. Board Meetings that fall on a holiday are usually moved to Tuesday of that week. The DeSoto County Board of Supervisors meet the first Monday of the month, unless it is a holiday. DeSoto County is committed to enhancing quality of life through exceptional delivery of services and efficient use of public funds. The annexation is effective starting May 28, 2021. (No P. Hernando, MS 38632 to file a report. For more information about DeSoto County's tax sale, please contact the Tax Collector's office at 662-469-8030. Find out his biography, achievements, and contact information on the official website. DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Suite 110 Hernando, MS 38632. Skip Navigation. 34266 | (863) 993-4700 | (941) 743-6777 South County Residents | Facebook Icon Twitter Icon YouTube Icon The Criminal Investigation Division is dedicated to providing quality service to the citizens of DeSoto County through successful investigations and follow ups of specific criminal actions which occur within the jurisdiction of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Department. More Information. The Board of Supervisors, Sheriff, Chancery Clerk & Judges, Circuit Court Clerk & Judges, Constables, Coroner, Tax Assessor, and Tax Collector are elected by DeSoto County voters to administer County services. 00. Deputy Brian Brock has 1… The Desoto County Sheriff's Office is proud to present the Citizens Law Enforcement Academy (CLEA). Chief Deputy of the DeSoto County, MS Sheriff's Office. The DeSoto County Adult Detention Facility is located at: 3425 Industrial Drive Hernando, MS 38632. Use the contact form to send a message or request a call back. Find Police/Arrest Records must be requested from the law enforcement agency that generated the report. Learn about the mission, goals and services of the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office, the chief law enforcement officer for the county. Phone Number: You can reach the Desoto County Jail at 662-469-8500. Please if you need assistance call (863)993-4700 DeSoto County Sheriff's Office 208 East Cypress Street Arcadia, Florida 34266 . These deputies are assigned to one of four shifts that work on a 12-hour rotation. 22,284 likes · 1,770 talking about this · 1,561 were here. Liberty was born in 2017 and The fee collected by the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office for this service remains $5. Sheriff Thomas E. The Circuit Court Clerk assists the court in summoning potential jurors. The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office and Public Safety - DeSoto County, FL is currently on scene of a structure fire at 1457 NE Forrest Ave. It is, therefore, often requested to participate in and sometimes mange searches in other counties and states and even on the federal level. 1 day ago · Though DeSoto County Sheriff Thomas Tuggle praised Brock's actions, as did the board of supervisors and a woman FOX13 spoke with who was likely saved by Brock's actions, the deputy himself said he DeSoto County Justice Court is divided into criminal and civil cases. In 2019, Lt. Looking back, I am proud of the accomplishments achieved by the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office this past year. gov DeSoto County Sheriff's Office 208 East Cypress Street Arcadia, Florida 34266 863-993-4700 Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 During his 15 years of service with the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office, Major Proudfit has logged over 1561 training hours. 34266 | (863) 993-4700 | (941) 743-6777 South County Residents | Facebook Icon Twitter Icon YouTube Icon | Website by Revize Login × Colonel Vitali has been a member of the DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office DIVE Team since 1998 and was a member of the Specialized Teams/ Squads, such as S. Potter and his team. These men and women work tirelessly to serve and protect the citizens of Desoto County. — City officials celebrated a DeSoto County deputy’s heroism after he drove into the path of a wrong-way driver to save others from harm. DESOTO COUNTY NOTICES EMPLOYMENT MY FLORIDA EMPLOYEE EMAIL. DeSoto County Sheriff's Office. Lucy was born July 27, 2018, from 18 hours ago · DESOTO COUNTY, Miss. Several crews are currently working to put out the fire. O. Fax: 662-469-8543. 00 must be pre-paid in person at the Records Office. It has jurisdiction over civil cases involving amounts of $3,500 or less, evictions, garnishments, misdemeanor criminal cases, and any traffic offense that occurs in the County involving the DeSoto County Sheriff's Department or Highway Patrol. T. Official Website: For more information about the Desoto County Jail, visit the Desoto County Sheriff's Office website. The Desoto County Sheriff's Office's Aviation Unit first launched in 1978, and has operated continuously since that time. About Thomas E. As tax assessor, his duties include: Maintaining the tax maps; Assisting homeowners with Homestead Exemption applications from January 1 through April 1 of each year; Preparing the tax roll for the Board of Equalization DeSoto County Sheriff's Office, Arcadia, Florida. DeSoto County Sheriff's Office 208 East Cypress Street Arcadia, Florida 34266 863-993-4700. Colonel in the Mississippi Highway Patrol. K-9 Lucy is a purebred Belgian Malinois. org The vehicle must be in DeSoto County and the $4. 00, depending on the agency the fingerprints will be submitted to. Sheriff of DeSoto County . Tuggle Ⅱ DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Contact Us; Quick Links. Juries are widely used in the circuit court. You can also see some of our Most Wanted Fugitives on the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office Facebook page. DeSoto County Administration Building 365 Losher Street Hernando, MS 38632 Phone: 662-469-8000 Sheriff's Office /QuickLinks. The DeSoto County Circuit Clerk serves as the county registrar, whose duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Administering and supervising voter registration If you wish you contact a Justice Court Judge or Constable, please contact the DeSoto County Justice Court at 662-469-8026. Their mission is to maintain peace, protect the rights of its citizens, and provide an environment where all individuals can live safely and without fear. The unit can also assist in locating missing persons. Sergeant Brian Brock put himself in harm’s way to stop a woman who was driving the wrong way on the interstate. We strive to eradicate criminal activity and conditions that have a detrimental impact upon public safety. . 863-993-4700 ext: 2227. Jeff Fitch is serving his first term as tax assessor of DeSoto County. Send to: DeSoto County Sheriff's Office Attn: Civil Process 3091 Industrial Drive W Hernando, MS 38632. Learn about the services, programs, and career opportunities offered by the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office in Arcadia, Florida. Chief Deputy Smith is a lifelong DeSoto Countian who graduated from Olive Branch High School and has dedicated his life’s work to his community. The Desoto County Sheriff's Office's Aviation Unit currently operates two helicopters, a MH-6C, and an OH-6A, which provide air support to local municipalities, state and federal agencies. The DeSoto County Sheriff’s Office Custodian of Public Records is Lieutenant Jenny Cross. Phone: (662) 469-8026 The DeSoto County Chancery Clerk's office is a full service Passport application office. iblztgeoaifyvgpjsbpbatavilndffouybkuljdzpecheboftxkfabclrospefpcniwtzm