Crime article in malaysia Abstract. 3% to 52,974 cases, from 65,623 cases in 2020, according to a Malaysian Statistics Department report. However, Nov 26, 2021 · He said violent crime dropped by 19. According to the authors, the government declared IUU fishing as a critical issue for Malaysia since 1985. The list of 35 research papers reviewed in this Sep 1, 2022 · The death penalty in Malaysia is a British colonial legacy that has undergone significant scrutiny in recent times. 76, a 19. Nov 29, 2022 · THE crime index for 2021 showed a drop of 19. The CCID works cooperatively with other agencies and institutions to combat white collar crime. This paper takes a closer look at the Malaysian government efforts in reducing crime rates in the country by reviewing the state’s crime reduction policies from the time of the establishment of the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) in 1993 until the formation of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) which with its ruling Mar 13, 2024 · Data on crime for 14 states in Malaysia from 2007–2016 were obtained, with permission, from the Royal Malaysia Police or known as Police DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) in Bahasa Malaysia. 8 Act 574. pdf. “Causes that led to lower criminal cases include the movement control order (MCO), where social activities were banned along with interstate and inter-district Aug 18, 2022 · Juvenile crime is a serious issue in Malaysia. The rising cost of living in order to be a developed nation in the year 2020 has become a major challenge for Malaysia in the short period of years remaining. Statistik Jenayah Malaysia 2020 Final v2 19112020. The figures remain at 767 in 2008. Jul 8, 2021 · Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a crime prevention strategy used in many advanced states to safeguard community members from criminal activities. Jan 1, 2024 · Understanding the dynamics of crime in Malaysia requires a thorough examination of these trends and variations in violent crime. The crime index comprises violent crime and property crime, and both types dropped by 13. 8 per cent respectively, to 11,495 cases and 41,479 cases pada 2021. Mar 14, 2021 · Accordingly, the objective of this article is to target the analysis of food crime issues in Malaysia, focusing on the issue of illegal meat cartels. Bab 6 - Pemulihan_Koreksional 2020. On average, citizens face multiple scam attempts daily, with Ipsos polling reporting this year that 76% have encountered scams and 51% have been victims of scams. Data. The Children’s Court does not have jurisdiction over matters involving the death sentence and only allows the juvenile to be tried by a Children’s Court for crimes that do not carry the death penalty []. The police were deployed following a house break-in in the area at about 3am on March 14. markers, all suggest that Malaysia is still indicating the right pace and track to become a high income country. 4 per cent and 20. Overview of Crime Rates: 1. According to Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department (CID), those listed as index crimes were murder, rape, robbery with and without firearms, gang robbery with and without firearms, and causing hurt. Jan 1, 2008 · In another research which concerns the occurrences of white-collar crime in Malaysia, the three highest ranking factors stimulating the crime are inadequate cash security practices, inadequate Dec 1, 2023 · Sentencing differences can arise from discriminatory sentences and sentence disparities. Overall Crime Rate: Over the past couple of decades, Malaysia has experienced fluctuations in its overall crime rates, mirroring its socio-economic transitions. Cities are ranked on a scale from "very low" to "very high" crime levels, with safety being the inverse, where a high safety index indicates a safer city. There are presently 11 offences which carry the mandatory death penalty in Malaysia. highlighting the importance of spatial analysis in addressing urban crime challenges in Malaysia. The findings suggest that the Malaysian judicial system does not operate fairly. Nov 28, 2024 · As Malaysia faces growing urbanization and rising crime rates, there is an urgent need for smarter, data-driven approaches to manage and mitigate crime. . 4 days ago · SEPANG - Three foreign robbers were shot dead after attacking a team of policemen in Desa Vista in Malaysia. 3. GEOGRAFI , 10 (2), 35–53. , 2020). 9 Second Schedule, Act 613. Figure 7 shows the evolution of crime in City X in Malaysia for the period of time between 2015 and 2018 [24]. The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Despite various crime prevention strategies, many studies on violent crime have relied on descrip-tive statistics and basic hotspot analysis, often overlooking advanced GIS methods such as SDE and MC (Ahmad et al. ” ARTICLE 19 calls on the Malaysian government to immediately drop all investigations against Fahmi Reza and take meaningful steps to repeal laws that criminalise free expression, including the Sedition Act and Section Crime against tourists. It is very important to stop the teenagers in juvenile offences. [3] [4] [5] The crime rate in Malaysia showed a decline of 11. Results show that while discriminatory sentencing arising from non-legal considerations exists, their effects on fines and imprisonment were not always uniform or in The crime ranking by city for Malaysia is based on a continuously updated index, incorporating data up to 36 months old and calculated twice a year. A total of 330,395 violent crime cases were reported in this 12 year period and the data were tabulated state by state for all thirteen states of Malaysia, including two Jan 1, 2013 · Request PDF | Crime and Criminal Justice in Malaysia | This chapter provides a contemporary and critical overview of Malaysia’s criminal justice system and of government responses to the extent 1 day ago · MALAYSIA has experienced a significant rise in commercial crime, with losses reaching RM3. 1 billion in 2023 and RM1. 2. Accordingly, the objective of this article is to target the analysis of food crime issues in Malaysia, focusing on the issue of illegal meat cartels. Oct 12, 2020 · In a study conducted by Singh et al. “Among the reasons for the decrease in criminal cases were due to restrictions on social activities and cross-district and state borders following the movement control order (MCO crime. In this article we provide violent crime data (Table 1) in Malaysia from 2006 to 2017 (Table S1). A spatiotemporal design, utilizing advanced GIS tools, classifies crime hotspots into nuanced categories, enabling a comprehensive analysis of burglary trends from 2015–2020. Articles on property crime prevention strategy and public safety in Malaysia from 2010 to 2021 were identified using databases, such as Google Scholar and MyJournal. This article provides a brief overview of the crime trends and patterns in Malaysia with an emphasis on the states of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor between the years 2010-2017. Nov 11, 2021 · “The latest arrests are 16 people and as a result of our initial investigation, six of them were at the scene when the victim was hacked and we believe they are the ones who committed this heinous crime,” he told reporters at Jambatan Kota in Jalan Tengku Kelana here today. This study addresses the gap using data on convicted bribe offenders between 2010 and 2021. Browse 2713+ articles about crime. The analysis is conducted to make a comparison of the financial crime in the banking sector before and after the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. 89% decline from 2017. 4, p. The US Bureau of Justice Statistics states that 67. 95, a 5. ), violent crimes (being mugged or robbed, being attacked or insulted), corruption and other crimes. Finally, the article will offer policy options for ensuring cyber security in the country. Oct 27, 2024 · Based on Table 1, there are three types of institutionalizations for juveniles and the Children’s Court is responsible for the children or juveniles. Apr 18, 2022 · Overall, there were 1,361,320 property crime cases were reported from 2007 to 2017. Criminal laws are applied at both federal and state levels, though both have their particular subject matter and geographical jurisdictions, with conflicts between federal and state law resolved in favour of the former. Currently, Malaysia still focuses on offenders and their relationship with legal system, but not much with their own victims (physical, emotional, and psychological consequences of the crime). [12] Other types of non-violent crime include credit card fraud and motor vehicle theft; [12] there is a high rate of credit card fraud. It can be seen here that the trends are more or Jan 1, 2012 · Malaysia is a federation comprising 13 individual states and the federal territories of Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and Labuan. 11 Act 964. The following table (Table 4 Dec 1, 2019 · Addressing the crime-community relationship is especially important for countries such as Malaysia because of the diverse religious and cultural background of its population as the studies have Dec 27, 2023 · APOSTASY AS A CRIME IN MALAYSIA Complexity of Freedom of Religion in Malaysia Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia guarantees the right of all to profess and practice one’s Mar 7, 2016 · In Malaysia, the economist that attempts to examine the determinant of crime rate are found very few (Habibullah, H. In addition, various causative factors have These factors, interwoven with regional influences, have played pivotal roles in shaping the country’s crime trends over the years. Bab 1 - Jenayah indeks 2020 v1. 8 per cent to record 52,344 cases during the same period. The punishment verdicts, in the form of fines and imprisonment, appear to be There are lots of journals and articles regarding cargo crime, but the majority of it was based on European country and United State. Additionally, enforcement authorities and regulatory bodies – such as the Commercial Crime Investigation Department, MACC, SC, Companies Commission of Malaysia, Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM), and Malaysian Competition Commission – also have the discretionary power to prosecute specific white-collar offences within their respective areas of Nov 29, 2022 · The crime index comprises violent crime and property crime and both these types dropped, by 13. The dataset in this article is obtained through a survey conducted among 306 young offenders undergoing Community Service Order. Tackling issues of safety is not just about crime and security. Feb 1, 2023 · The essay attempts to study the threat of cyber crime in the globalized world with an emphasis on Bangladesh. Dec 31, 2021 · Originality/value The estimated crime rate function for Malaysia demonstrated that promoting supply‐side economy and also increases the numbers of police and patrolling duties in the potential 5 days ago · Latest crime news and updates from Free Malaysia Today. This has brought the increase of awareness and concern on the security issues in the crime. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing procedure is employed to (1) analyze the impact of income inequality on various categories of criminal activities as well as to (2) analyze the impact of various categories of criminal activities on income inequality. Background of the Study crime prevention strategy and public safety in Malaysia. The cost of crime in this research is measured using a questionnaire that was designed by adapting the questions from the following surveys to suit the Malaysian lifestyle and the crime situation in Malaysia: the British Crime Survey, the Mar 6, 2023 · Key Updates on Criminal Law. 4% and 20. A total of 330,395 violent crime cases were reported in this 12 year period and the data were tabulated state by state for all th … Jul 5, 2024 · The High Court in the Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan has ordered a 45-year-old man to be sent to the gallows after he was found guilty of murdering his adoptive parents. Nov 30, 2013 · ACP Amar Singh Sidhu 2005, „This Rise of Crime in Malaysia An Academic and Statistical Analysis‟, Journal of the Kuala Lumpur Royal Malaysia Police College, No. Statistik Jenayah Malaysia 2021. 72, a 5. Malaysia crime rate & statistics for 2020 was 0. Jun 28, 2019 · The crime rate in Malaysia in increasing in every year, especially in the high-density residential area. These data were collected from thirteen states of Malaysia and one federal (Kuala Lumpur The data can be useful for the stakeholders and policymakers working in the fields of crime and social welfare by imposing proper measures to reduce the crime rate among the younger generation in Malaysia. The aim of this paper is to highlight Malaysia’s legal response and its efficacy in repressing the crime of online child pornography. (2020) on the relationship between amphetamine-type stimulant use and violent crime in Penang, Malaysia, revealed that there was a substantial relationship Oct 20, 2022 · Under Article 5(4) of the Federal Constitution, the police can detain you no longer than 24 hours from the time they arrest you (excluding the time for any necessary journey) at the police station or in a lock-up. After the Special Committee to Review Alternative Sentences to the Mandatory Death Penalty, the Prime Minister's Department (Parliament and Law) arrived at a decision to review and amend the laws on the death penalty, which would give judges a wider discretion in sentencing. 10 Act 711. This Official Arrest Record was reported on March 13, 2025. Malaysia crime rate & statistics for 2021 was 0. 8% of released state prisoners are arrested for a new crime within three years, and 76. [2] Sex trafficking in Malaysia is a significant problem. Moreover, certain crime rates have become critical, Crime Trends in Malaysia: A Study in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur: Tren Jenayah Harta Benda di Malaysia: Kajian di Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur. 1 day ago · CRYPTOCURRENCY investment fraud is becoming a growing trend in commercial crime, with both professionals and senior citizens increasingly falling victim to these scams, warned Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf, Director of Bukit Aman’s Commercial Crime Investigation Department (JSJK). A total of 41,701 criminal investigation papers were opened last year, highlighting a concerning trend in fraudulent activities across the nation. The current crime index considers only thirteen (13) types of crime, which may be inadequate to correctly depict the nature and severity of crime in Malaysia. xlsx. In general, violent crimes show a decreasing trend from 2006 to 2017 in Malaysia. Covid-19 impact on financial crime in Malaysia’s banking sector. KUALA LUMPUR: From the horrific acid attack on Selangor superstar footballer Faisal Halim to the nationwide crackdown on GISB Holdings Sdn Bhd's operations, 2024 is a year that will not be forgotten anytime soon. BODY PARTS IN DRAIN. Violent crime against foreign tourists is less frequent in Malaysia; [12] however, pickpocketing and burglaries are common criminal activities directed against foreigners. 1 billion in 2024, marking a stark increase from RM2. 37134/geografi. Oct 25, 2024 · Member States that ratify UNCTOC, like Malaysia, commit themselves to taking a series of measures against transnational organised crime, including the creation of domestic criminal offences (participation in an organised criminal group, money laundering, corruption and obstruction of justice); the adoption of new and sweeping frameworks for Dec 25, 2020 · This article discusses the cyber security threats and challenges experienced by small states, particularly Malaysia, highlighting these states' vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks. In Malaysia, white-collar crime cases (investigated by the police) tripled in the last 10 years, with criminal breach of trust, cheating and misappropriation of funds May 24, 2018 · Malaysia crime videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews. Get more information about Malaysia crimes at straitstimes. Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks are emails or text messages that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or credit card company. 3. The assessment is based on an archival database of 1869 actual court cases that occurred between 2006 and 2013. 2022 Nov 21, 2024 · Malaysia has long been on the scamming frontline. In general, property crime cases continue to decline from 163,317 cases in 2007 to only 77,562 in 2017 due to government initiatives and a proactive policing policy. 5 days ago · The following Official Arrest Record for Malaysia Briana Brown is being redistributed by LCN and is protected by constitutional, publishing, and other legal rights. The violent crimes include murder, rape, gang robbery, robbery and voluntarily causing hurt cases. 01% decline from 2020. 7 Jenayah harta benda mengikut negeri dan jenis jenayah, Malaysia, 2017-2019 Property crime by state and type of crime, Malaysia, 2017-2019 Jenayah harta benda mengikut kontinjen, daerah PDRM dan jenis jenayah, Malaysia, 2017-2019 Property crime by Information about crime in Malaysia. White Collar Crime Enforcement in Malaysia The primary responsibility for investigating white collar crime in Malaysia is vested in the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). vol10. Malaysia reaffirms commitment to combat Islamophobia Amid heightened hatred and violence against Islam and Muslims worldwide, a united front is crucial to foster harmonious relations and peaceful coexistence Sep 1, 2019 · This article provides violent crime data in Malaysia from 2006 to 2017. Fraudsters tied to transnational crime syndicates have used Malaysia to innovate the modes of scamming. This paper contextualises the impact of Covid-19 on financial crime in the banking sector in Malaysia. Therefore, this study is carried out as a mediu m of information regarding cargo crime in Malaysia. From crime to court, keep informed with the latest court case news, updates, interview and analysis on New Straits Times (NST). Sep 25, 2009 · This article analysed the relationship between crime categories and unemployment rates using a set of panel data for 14 states in Malaysia with data spanning from 1982 to 2008. 5 per cent to 13,279 cases in 2020 while property crime decreased by 21. Crime Statistics Malaysia 2021. Bab 8 - Pemulihan_Koreksional 2021. 9% in 2018 compared to the previous year. , 2013;Ishak & Bani, 2017;Lau, Hamzah Jan 1, 2005 · Indeed, white collar crime in Malaysia encompasses such offences as occupational offences, pollution offences, consumer fraud, exchange control violations, bribery and corruption, immigration and Jun 1, 2009 · Most cases of crime in Malaysia include motor vehicle theft, burglary, snatch theft, and violent crime (Ghani, 2017). The level of crime has been associated with various factors including economy Jun 30, 2020 · In response to this, numerous countries around the world, including Malaysia have implemented and enhanced regulations and policies to accord better protection to children from the crime. Thus, various food crime issues rise such as food crime, food fraud, food adulteration, food terrorism and cases that cover it. The crime index is used for two types of crime: violent crimes such as murder, rape, and armed robbery, and crimes related to property such as burglary and vehicle theft. 0, which was published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), to ensure international comparability. Malaysia crime rate & statistics for 2018 was 1. 23, 2024. In May, the country experienced its second successful Islamic State (IS)-related attack since 2016. Apr 18, 2022 · Historical data reveal a significant upsurge in property crime and violence in Malaysia from 1980 to 2004, marking a 120% increase. Write an article to explain about causes and prevention. 12 [2022] 1 MLJ 137. However, there is very few written informat ion regarding cargo crime in Malaysia. Feb 10, 2025 · PUTRAJAYA, Feb 10 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail today said the ministry will play a crucial role in security discussions as Malaysia assumes Association of South-east Asian Nations (Asean) chairmanship this year, focusing on cross-border crime and cybersecurity. The New Straits Times takes a look at the year's biggest crime stories that gripped the nation. Following the attack, there was a wave of IS-related arrests and several plots were subsequently uncovered. Dec 31, 2023 · Finally, it should be noted that Malaysia's national statistics on crime are compiled in accordance with the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purpose Version 1. This paper examines the causality between income inequality and crime in Malaysia for the period 1973-2003. 6 1. 21% decline from 2018. 7 billion in 2022. 00, a 15. Nov 16, 2024 · Malaysia’s Minister of Home Affairs Saifuddin Nasution Ismail and Singapore’s Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam after signing the MOU to combat transnational crimes, on Nov 14, 2024. ca your source for the latest news on Malaysia crime . Jan 29, 2025 · KUALA LUMPUR: Index crimes that involved violent offences have seen a slight increase last year, according to Bukit Aman statistics. Crime in Malaysia manifests in various forms, including murder, drive-by shooting, [1] drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, black marketeering, and many others. While the Malaysian Federal Constitution 1957 provides that ‘no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with law’, there are several criminal offences (including drug-related crimes) that impose the mandatory and discretionary death penalty. Nov 18, 2019 · Three (3) research articles covered Peninsular Malaysia related to flood and crime issues (Nur Hafizah Ismail et al. Nov 24, 2022 · 7 Corruption: The Law and Challenges in Malaysia [2021] 1 ILJA ii. 8% respectively, to 11,495 cases and 41,479 cases last year. As novel and more sophisticated crimes emerge, leading to more complex modus operandi, the calculation of crime should also transform to accommodate these changes. 25, 23 - 24 March Datuk Chor Chee Heung, 2010, Speech in “Towards Greater Cities and Better Living: Environmental Design for Crime Preventionâ€, in Crime Jan 30, 2020 · This paper assesses the fairness of the Malaysian judicial system in handling cases pertaining to bribery and corruption. The general keywords Crime Statistics Malaysia 2020. The overall index crime rate increased from 746 reported crime per 100,000 people in 2006 to 767 in 2007, a rise nearly 3% (PDRM, 2010). Several possible issues before formal implementation of restorative justice are discussed. [6] Violent crime by contingent, PDRM district and type of crime, Malaysia, 2017-2019 36 37 1. Showing recent legal content from Malaysia on Crime, Criminal Law, Mondaq is an intelligent syndication platform providing world class content and insight from professional services firms. In addition, the book 'Malaysia: A Maritime Nation', authored by Harun and Ja’afar [10], addresses the issue of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing as a re-sponse to the challenges that Malaysia is currently facing. The person named in this listing has only been arrested on suspicion of the crime indicated and is presumed innocent. In a non-western setting of Malaysia, individual selected states apply the system to control their crime occurrences. Jul 3, 2023 · The most common types of cyber crime in Malaysia include: Ransomware attacks: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom payment in order to decrypt it. However, the subsequent decade (2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011 A report by Price Waterhouse Coopers Global Economic Crime reveals that 39% of organizations in the Asia Pacific region have been victims to economic crime in the past 2 years. Oct 1, 2019 · This article provides violent crime data in Malaysia from 2006 to 2017. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances. Shows how much people think the problem in their community are property crimes (home broken, car theft, etc. Theft and motorcycle theft were observed to be the most common types of property crime in Malaysia. Get the latest Malaysia news stories and opinions with focus on National, Regional, Sarawak and World News, as well as reports from Parliament and Court. Malaysia crimes News - Find latest News & top stories about Malaysia crimes. Bab 5- Kesalahan trafik 2021. 2. KUALA LUMPUR: There has been a disturbing rise in brutal and sadistic crimes in recent months. Overview of crime rates in Malaysia Figure 1 illustrates the crime statistics by various categories of crime selected, such as total crime, violent crime, property crime, theft and burglary in Malaysia for the period 1973-2003. Efforts must be made to generate sustainable neighbourhoods and the communities within them. 7% are rearrested within five years. 37% decline from 2019. Jan 1, 2012 · The concern from Government about crime is valid since the crime rates in Malaysia have been record high. It offers insights into the variables that influence the likelihood of violent crimes, which can help researchers, law enforcement organisations, and legislators create efficient ways to deter and combat crime. Malaysia crime rate & statistics for 2019 was 0. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage of crime-related topics. Oct 9, 2024 · The arrest in Malaysia of six Chinese suspected burglars without legal entry documents has triggered fears of a rise in crime among some members of the public who say visa-free arrivals from China Sep 3, 2019 · This article provides violent crime data in Malaysia from 2006 to 2017. , 2024a). Dec 19, 2024 · “The use of these laws to investigate Fahmi Reza reflects a broader trend of shrinking civic and digital space in Malaysia. Dec 15, 2022 · Tren Jenayah Harta Benda di Malaysia: Kajian di Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur Property Crime Trends in Malaysia: A Study in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur December 2022 DOI: 10. This paper presents the Integrated Crime Risk Assessment System (ICRAS) Framework, designed to transform how we assess and respond to crime risks across the country. Oct 23, 2024 · Nasiruddin Mohamad Ali, CEO of Global Ikhwan Services and Business, center, arrives with others members after charged for being part of an organized crime group after hundreds of children believed to have been sexually abused were rescued from welfare homes linked to the group, at the Selayang Sessions Court in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, Wednesday, Oct. com. A total of 330,395 violent crime cases were reported in this 12 year period and the data were tabulated state by state for all thirteen states of Malaysia,including two states in Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak) and one federal territory (Kuala Lumpur). Jul 5, 2022 · While other studies in Malaysia have offered valuable insights into crime in general (Zulkiflee et al. Only the former has been examined in Malaysia. One of the most shocking recent cases was the murder of teacher Istiqomah Ahmad Rozi, whose decapitated body was discovered in a trash bin near a drain in Kampung Rimau, Johor. Din, & Abdul Hamid, 2016; Hamid et al. 13 [2022] 11 MLJ 801. This methodological gap Jul 8, 2021 · A decrease in crime was recorded throughout Malaysia. , 2016; Wong et al. The purpose of this paper is to study the general trends of the different types of crimes that occur in the country to gain an understanding of the crimes that are most Jun 1, 2016 · The aim of this review was to summarise published literature on child abuse and neglect and its consequences in Malaysia, to discuss the implications of the research findings and to identify gaps Malaysia experienced an uptick in terrorism-related activity in 2024, the highest since 2020. , 2022), violent crime , urban crime (Ghani, 2017), and other types of violations (Baharom 4 days ago · The objectives include identifying intensifying, diminishing, and other hotspot categories to enhance understanding of spatial crime distributions. Despite its implementation throughout its municipal councils in the states, Selangor still has the highest Nov 30, 2008 · According to the United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, Malaysia ranks 50 out of 60 countries in terms of total crime per capita. Dec 3, 2024 · Concerns have been raised about the rate of murder and robbery in the country which appears to be on the rise despite a drop in Malaysia's crime index over the past two years.
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