Battletech snub ppc location. 00 Medium Laser RT 3 1 1.

Battletech snub ppc location Jul 4, 2022 · Iv got 1 soon to be 2 finished stalkers in storage witch I wanna fit with 4 ppcs each. Arguably most powerful of the common (original) energy weapons found in use in the Mar 9, 2013 · "UM-R80 - This variant carries a Snub-Nose PPC, Small Pulse Laser, TAG, Beagle Active Probe, and Guardian ECM Suite. If you want to long range snipe, go PPC or ER PPC. The synergy is in the heat. It retains the Small Laser of the standard UrbanMech as well. On a Crosscut. Nov 29, 2023 · Hiryo (Light PPC) A test variant developed by Pesht Motors which replaces the vehicle's Snub-Nose PPC for two Light PPCs to give the vehicle a longer range. Higher velocity gives the Snub PPC a superior effective range (not the same as paper listed range) compared to the normal Peeper. That gives you a weapon that can reach out to 15 hexes for 5 points, 13 hexes for 8 points, or goes to short range at 9 hexes, for 10 points. 50 Snub-Nose PPC CT 10 2 6. Jul 6, 2019 · It runs hotter than in tabletop. The DCMS took very well to the 9R Panther, built as it is like a snack-size version of the Combine’s own Gladiator and Von Rohrs with that same PPC-and Snub-Nose PPC RT 10 2 6,00 Supercharger RT - 1 3,00 MML-9 LT 5 5 6,00 Jan 27, 2022 · MECHWARRIOR UNIVERSE / Location At your 6 :) for using Snub-Nose-PPC: New: Battlemaster BLR-1GHE, Hero Mech, 85ton-10% Cooldown-10% Heat +1 HSL Snub-Nose-PPC Snub-Nose PPC LA 10 2 6,00 Medium Laser LA 3 1 1,00 SRM-2 RT 2 1 1,00 The -10 heat snub PPC is underrated. The tabletop PPC is 10 damage for 10 heat (which translates to 50 damage for 30 heat in game). 00 Front-rear armour is arranged in a 2:1 ratio and shaved all over; with only 10 points of armour on side torsos and limbs, a Panther can be crippled in just 2 PPC shots to the same location. (BV 2. Nov 22, 2019 · So, as I understand it, we have several new toys to play with. The purpose of Snub Nosed PPCs was supposed to be to have a PPC (besides the ERPPC) with no minimum range. The Snub-Nose PPC was chosen as it both allows the Snark to deal heavy damage at close range when spotting for C3 without worrying about minimum range issues, or alternately allowing it to frustrate opponents by staying just PPC Capacitor. Mouse over the "I" to see more detail about what that planet type sells. 00 Re: Light and Snub-nosed PPCs, why? « Reply #31 on: 04 April 2015, 08:31:25 » Light PPCs were key returning light mechs to viability as anything other than a recon or speed/jumper build. Any leftover room you fill with armor or heat sinks, dealer's choice. Edit: Clan ER PPC and Snub-nose PPC do splash damage to 'Mechs. 5 tons. 00 Guardian ECM Suite CT 0 2 1. This weapon unlike Lasers, projects a azur/blue-white color lightning bolt type stream of energy at it's designated target causing thermal and kinetic energy damage to the target. But keeps the speed, and that and the armless/skeletal profile should make it harder to hit. Ah, so the Snub PPC works kinda like a shotgun blast. Mar 12, 2024 · nova cat prime you can fit 5 SN ppc's with enough dhs to get around 3. for me, all warhammer armament tonnage goes to energy weapons to maximize the utility of the caps. It’s a weapon that doesn’t require ammo, can be fired at extreme range, and disables targets. Jul 20, 2017 · So if you want pin point damage and plan to be operating at shorter ranges, the Snub is excellent. Do they only apear in certain areas? My progression in the story is just after you capture the lady who One of the tooltips tells you, but basically they are incredibly rare on Research planets. same damage same velocity just shorter range and a faster ROF then regular ppc's xD Snub nose do more damage than IS PPC. In the DPS meta, a DPS nerf is essentially death for a weapon system, especially one with poor range. The only other buff is they do damage under 91m without the massive heat spike the snub or er-ppc has. 50 Medium Pulse Laser HD 4 1 2. 0) = 686, 708; Hiryo (MRM) A much more radical weaponry change, the vehicle Snub-Nose PPC is replaced by a Twenty-Tube Medium Range Missile Launcher. Snub PPC - Shorter range, sort of shotgun PPC (if I understand correctly) Coil weapons - Hit harder but generate more heat the farther you move before firing Infernos - Missiles that do almost no damage, but apply Heat to target LBX ACs - Shotguns UACs - Rapid-fire autocannons for those of us who love moar dakka TAG - Target Mar 10, 2017 · High velocity doesn't make sense since it's supposed to be less effective at long range than the regular PPC. The game version is 50 damage for 35 heat. Many mechs that pack a PPC have two of them, so they can go for a knockdown out the gate that other mechs need luck or assistance to achieve. ie: AWS-8Q can fire four (4) snub-PPC at once with no ghost heat penalty! (Most other mechs can only fire the normal maximum of three (3) snub-PPC Jan 9, 2021 · i put a couple on my katana kat and haven't removed them, dont regret a thing. BattleTech - The Board Game of Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Mass HAG-40 (C) RA/RT 9/1 8 16. S. then i had a +10 dmg snub ppc on one arm and and -10 heat snub ppc on the other arm for firing Snub-Nose PPC CT 10 2 6. Video has AC20+2snPPC and 2LBX20+snPPC builds used for example. " Feb 4, 2020 · The op asked what's better, PPC or Gauss, and you answered "it depends". Logged Jan 17, 2021 · Snub PPC is hella satisfying But not all mechs can put like 4 of them so I made mini versions I replaced the following weapons: PPC 1 Ceres Arms PPC 1 Donal Mini Sub PPC Ceres Arms Stats: Category: Energy Damage: 10 * 5 Heat: 15 Stability: 5 * 5 Tonnage/Slot Size: 1 / 2 Mini Sub PPC Donal Stats: Category: AntiPersonnel Damage: 6 * 5 Heat: 10 The Sarna article was more so comparing the fact that the snub was a shorter-range weapon to the PPC, not that it was an actual energy shotgun. I believe the heat is even the same between the PPC and the Snub. Mar 22, 2020 · I've been experimenting with the LB-2, 5, 10, 20X and the Snub PPC, for stability damage, and higher damage overall. Edited by martian, 31 March 2022 - 12:05 PM. Project Helios Brings MechAssault To MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries You coat an enemy mech with Snub PPC and then basically 3 x SRM2++'s (each launcher calculated for Head Hit probability). Re: conversion of Snub- nose PPC « Reply #2 on: 08 September 2014, 15:24:07 » As you stated, if a weapon has different damage at various ranges within the same Alpha Strike range band, the average is used. The only quibble I have is that the snub-nose should probably benefit from the re-balancing done to the standard PPC and be dropped down to 9. In BT lore discrete weapons use their own targeting. I haven't noticed it in my game at all. " "Greetings, Mechwarrior. twitch. The simplest weapons are the energy weapons. They’re not really a great brawling weapon though due to heat. 00 -----BattleForce Statistics The Snub PPCs are +10 damage (so, 5x25) and the LBX2++ are ++damage ++crit (which is I think base 12*6 = 72 damage, plus the multiplier from the annihilator). Personally i'd swap the jump jets for more armor and heatsinks too. In seriousness, we have seen variety for other weapons as well, we have the Light and Rotary AC variants, and MRMs, Artemis, Streak to supplement missiles, pulse, ER, Binary, X-Pulse and VSPL for lasers. Light PPC « Reply #30 on: 16 September 2022, 18:52:40 » This is beginning to sound like a debate between the bog standard Medium Laser and the LPPC. 0 Medium Laser RT 1 3 1. 00 Snub-Nose PPC LA 10 2 6,00 Partial Wing LT/RT - 4/4 5,50 Medium Pulse Laser CT 4 1 2,00 The final configuration to date is the “C”, an interesting showcase of multiple newer pieces of technology. It's better in terms of damage/ton than the regular ++PPC, but that's not saying much. 0 Snub-Nose PPC RT 2 10 6. most people also want to flag it as Situational really. Compares very favorably to the MVSP in my opinion, and fits a different role than your typical 2 ML/SL point-blank battery. i think most people who dont understand have an erppc mindset. The snub nose ppc has one of the best short range brackets in the entire game, up to 9 hexes vs the Large Laser's 5. Suggesting that Snub Heavy PPC is just a 'short range Gauss Rifle', I find, is an ineffective comparison because while the Snub Heavy PPC's range doesn't reach out to 22 hexes, it's short range is longer than a Gauss Rifle's. Although going armless didn't save me any weight, directly---and I thought it should have, too---It gave me two less places to put armour. With this wide array of weaponry, the Seraph makes use of its C3i computer , whether it is sniping with its missiles or closing to short range and unloading on opponents while feeding its targeting telemetry back to other members of its Level II . The TAG is just overkill at that point. The damage to heat ratio is what makes many people think the IS ER PPC is worse than the standard PPC because heat is the primary limiter of combat performance in this game. RA - 2 1. Jan 31, 2022 · The Naval Particle Projector Cannon (or Naval PPC) weapon family is a unique energy weapon. I think they may also be in the Flashpoint loot tables, but again I haven't seen one. PPC Extended Range PPC (IS) Extended Range PPC (Clan) Light PPC Heavy PPC Snub-Nose PPC. If anything the velocity should be lower to emphasize the range weakness. The PPC gets to use its alpha at range too - but when LOS can be taken away from you, it can be hard to exploit this. Mounted on the nose, the vehicle Oct 28, 2023 · 2 Snub-Nose PPCs Manufacturer: Black Hawk Mechworks Primary Factory: Unknown Communications System: Unknown Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown Overview: The Gamo's design philosophy is centered around providing a platform that has low cost and ease of maintenance, but which can still comport itself well on the modern battlefield. snub nose and normal PPC share the same amount of ECM jam time. A PPC mech wants to be able to dictate the range of engagement, to keep the enemy at arms length so the target can be sanded and struck without the ability to respond. For funzies. These weigh exactly the same, do ~80% more damage (125 points) and generate less heat (35 points). the max range of a Snub is 15 hexes, the Clan ER PPC max range is 23 hexes. It enhances a PPC's damage capabilities at the cost of higher heat generation. Combining both a Void Signature System and the Chameleon Light Polarization Shield combined with cleverly shaped armour and hidden weapon ports the 5b was exceptionally stealthy, even by todays standards. (In technical terms, this is +1 HSL for any of the IS PPC family of weapons, including Heavy PPC !). Snub PPCs are amazing: they do 125 damage for only 35 heat. Like the smaller version mounted on 'Mechs, the NPPC fires a concentrated beam of ions at a target, causing large amounts of damage to armor via impact and thermal transfer. Damage to the capacitor causes an explosion. Does 396 damage on an AlphaStrike. One of them is for planet/store types. There are no lift hoists here, no cargo, and 10 single heat sinks leaves you with 6 tons left, which the X5M-B uses to mount a single snub-nose PPC in the left arm, replacing the hand actuator. Rediscovered by the Draconis Combine from a Star League concept that didn't take off at the time, this version of the PPC is slightly lighter than a standard PPC, but its energy discharge trails off considerably faster, leading to shorter range and reduced damage capacity over range. for hitting stand still and slow moving targets, PPC can be very useful for hit and run tactics, for hitting a target in general be it a fast mover or average target, Beams and Jun 26, 2019 · This is the most important reason why a set of 3 ERmedium lasers can be vastly supperior in most situations to a normal PPC or a snubnose PPC. The Gauss has vastly better performance than the PPC and on top of that also has more range. It's got the Snub's mean short range, but only five damage for 2. Warhammer WHM-7A is a Heavy-class 'Mech in Battletech. 0 Jun 29, 2017 · Given how MWO has implemented other weapon systems in the past and how the snub-nose PPC works in tabletop, the current implementation in MWO is exactly what we should expect as a baseline. 4 light PPC's is great on the Katana Kat. IS ppc 10 damage - sliding scale min range from 90 to 0 - 7 tons IS ER ppc 10 damage - no min range longer max range - 7 tons IS Snub nose ppc no min range, less range. Your BattleTech News Round-Up For April, 2024 ; Community Outreach - Preserving With Emil Of The Art Of BattleTech ; Bad ‘Mechs - Sentinel ; HEXTECH Review - Wave 3 Brings More Urban Options To Your Battlefield ; Your BattleTech News Round-Up For March, 2024 Jan 17, 2021 · Snub PPC is hella satisfying But not all mechs can put like 4 of them so I made mini versions I replaced the following weapons: PPC 1 Ceres Arms PPC 1 Donal Mini Sub PPC Ceres Arms Stats: Category: Energy Damage: 10 * 5 Heat: 15 Stability: 5 * 5 Tonnage/Slot Size: 1 / 2 Mini Sub PPC Donal Stats: Category: AntiPersonnel Damage: 6 * 5 Heat: 10 By the time they get within range of the TAG, the enemy is usually already hurt by one volley of Snub PPC fire and the damage from the second volley is more than enough to finish them off. So long as the capacitor is charged, the next shot fired by the associated PPC deals an additional five damage and increases the heat generated from firing that weapon by five points. An Extremely rare Warhammer variant associated with the SLDF's famed Royal Divisions. Expect servers to be open to all from December 27th to January 4th for some combined-arms BattleTech action. Weapons and Ammo Location Heat Criticals Tonnage Gauss Rifle RA 1 7 15. No, it doesn't depends. An interesting workaround to the volume limitations of PPC plasma containment the PPC capacitor is essentially a second PPC containment cell mounted in tandem to a PPC. The Capacitor is required to be charged before firing. 5 dmg to two other parts. Stray Snub PPC bolts can hit other enemies and disable them too. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Daoshen and the Capellan armada. 50 Snub-Nose PPC LA 10 2 6. 00 ER Medium Laser RA 5 1 1. But 35 heat is still a lot of heat! (Megamek also uses 2695 as Snub-nose introduction date. 4 hs/s. Then 2 +10 damage ML++'s It was something like 230-250 damage with pretty good stability damage. I've played 3039 - 3045 and have seen 2x COIL and 0x SNUB in that time. Mar 7, 2024 · Description []. This is the first I heard the ppc's in this game doing splash damage. 00 Streak SRM-4 RT 3 1 3. Look in the top right corner for the various Map filters. 150 damage. Solution: Change Snub-nose PPC's "Prototype (Faction)" column date to 2695. So they kept the snub nosed PPCs effective range at 270m but the max effective range of almost everything is equal or longer which is why it sucks. Nov 27, 2024 · Tiegart []. Includes the Optimized Capacitors and an additional TTS (Energy). 20-25 more damage and more crits/random headshots for 3 more heat and a shade less armor. The IS ER PPC has better range brackets than the vanilla PPC but a worse damage to heat ratio. Select a type of planet. Sort of. E. 15x5 because each of the 15s can potentially hit a different location. 00 Medium Laser RT 3 1 1. The weapon's lethality rivals that of larger autocannon, but NPPCs generate a Snub-Nose PPC RA 10 2 6. 00 Medium Pulse Laser LA 4 1 2. Improved Jump Jets help the UrbanMech move around the city it defends more effectively" Snub-Nose PPCs and 16 heatsinks, allowing practically constant fire even while jumping. Then I found a Snub PPC+++ (stability) and it was even better. Your BattleTech News Round-Up For December, 2024 Community Outreach - Caterwauling On CamoSpecs With Matt "00Dawg" Frederiksen HEXTECH Wave 8 Review - Autumn Colors, Canyons, And Slums May 13, 2024 · Research - PPC, Snub PPC, ECM and Active probe, COIL, NARC and Tag Equipment Research (Adv) - "++" and "+++" PPC, Snub PPC, ECM and Active probe, COIL, NARC and Tag Equipment Star League - Los tech ER lasers, Pulse Lasers, ER PPC's, Gauss Rifles and Double Heatsinks BattleTech - The Board Game of 1 Snub-Nose PPC* 1 Small Pulse Laser Manufacturer: Mad Engineers Inc. As I recall it has a half-dozen support weapon hardpoints. To put things into perspective : Tabletop : Snub nosed PPC : 270m optimal range ER PPC : 210m optimal range Nov 6, 2024 · Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass Large VSPL RA 10 4 9,00 Snub-Nose PPC LA 10 2 6,00 Snub-Nose PPCs 3. Unlike the more common Donal however, even during the Star League era Tiegart replacement parts were more scarce with fire control suffering greatly without a steady supply of parts, even with several redundancy circuits providing backup if needed. Absolutely worth in my book. Could that be avoided altogether by mounting PPCs with Capacitors on lighter 'Mechs (and hoping the location is lost before the PPC takes damage)? I suggested the rate of fire drawback could be mitigated if heat required alternating firing patterns, and I wanted to see if this made sense. 3 heavy ppc's can be pretty good on mechs with the HSL quirk like the Awesome. Head to the MechWarrior: Living Legends website to download and play for free. The basic energy weapons are the medium lasers and large lasers , but the real king of this type is the Particle Projector Cannon (PPC) : huge damage and long range, but also massive heat. the Snub Nose PPC is a star league level tech that the amount of damage it does drops off with range. Slightly off topic whinging: It's good that HBS Battletech does try to keep things balanced in the same ways as tabletop (with the exception of a buff to ACs) but it does sadden me that other games seem to hate the PPC and try to nerf it to the point that you're better off spending your tonnage on LLs/ERLLs/LPLs than a PPC. Snubs do splash damage, an extra 2. Dec 30, 2024 · MechWarrior: Living Legends is turning 15 years old the best way possible: by blowing stuff up. The snub is more so a more accurate Large Laser with a slightly higher damage. I do most of my fighting in the medium range bracket with guns that can push those margins like the snub ppc’s nine hex short range or the gauss rifle from 15. 5dmg splash into up to 2 adjacent components. Also 1. When damaged, the PPC Capacitor explodes due to the level of power being funneled through the capacitor. Kitted out with top-tier weaponry and advanced heat management Jun 3, 2021 · In the terms of advantages between PPC's and Large lasers, I think someone else could explain it better then me. it does 10 dmg at short range, 8 dmg at Medium range and 5 dmg at long range. Re: ER Medium Laser vs. With the increase of ecm on 50% of the new mechs lppc i've seen them on every weight class simply as a counter to ecm that works far better than a tag and weighs less than the 5-6t narc plus ammo problem. Sep 27, 2021 · I have been loving the LB ballistic weapons because of their stability damage, and I thought the snub PPC would be something similar but seems it is not. Removing the minimum range on Light and Standard PPCs started to blur the line between the different types, and their roles, leaving the balance game open to make Dec 1, 2024 · The Man-Pack Particle Cannon, often abbreviated M-PPC, is a scaled down version of the vehicle-mounted PPC that allows an individual soldier with a exoskeleton or a gyroscopic harness such as the special M-PPC waldo unit to use the gun as though it were a regular rifle. The snub nose PPC was always intended to be the brawlier version of the PPC, but PGI would rather it be a point blank sniper weapon, which is an oxymoron. Mar 15, 2021 · Plot Summary []. Compact everything makes this a zombie mech. The primary gun here is undeniably the TSEMP, one that is supported by a Snub-nosed PPC and a Light AC/5. Definitely an apocryphal, experimental weapon. There are also some decent mixed builds using LPPC's paired with UAC5's, stuff like that. a general setup that worked well for me was one piercer and a couple snub ppcs. This would be amazeing but I havent seen any in shops. If it doesn't already have a minimum range, it gains a minimum range of 3. I know Clan ER ppc's and snub ppc's do splash in MWO, but not in this game. Comes with 2 ER PPC's, 2 S Pulse lasers and 6 double heatsinks. It was supposed to fill the 0-90m range bracket that other PPCs couldn't. The Battletech game on PC gives a temporary accuracy penalty to targets hit by a PPC (and turns snub PPCs into energy shotguns which is a cool) while Mechwarrior 5 causes visual/sensor distortions to mechs within a certain range of a PPC impact, which can include your own mech if the target is too close, however you can't damage yourself and a PPC Capacitor. The weapon can be fired in either single shots or bursts. When charged the Capacitor stores additional sub-fusion plasma which can be shunted into a firing PPC increasing the force of the bolt and thereby increasing damage. 00 Snub-Nose PPC RT 10 2 6. piercer was whatever i had that did the most damage to 1 location, think i had like a large pulse ++ (78 dmg with caps). Mar 15, 2020 · Colt Ward Clan Invasion Backer #149, Leviathans #104 "We come in peace, please ignore the bloodstains. Energy weapons don’t require any ammunition, but generate a lot of heat. Jul 3, 2018 · PPC also has the bonus of temporarily negating enemy ECM, the bigger the PPC the longer the duration. Is there a good use that can be given to this weapon? Mar 19, 2021 · Snub PPCs got some of the worst of the most recent patch change. Mediums fall right over, even some heavies with a little help from an AC or Aren't they 1T lighter than a standard PPC (6T for a Snub vs 7T for a regular)? Even without a +10 modifier you could still replace the Panther's stock PPC with a Snub and add some more armor or an extra heat sink for a potential 75 damage versus the standard PPC's 50. Also, the heat sink system was overhauled to double-strength standard. 00 Guardian ECM Suite LT 0 2 1. If they did it would be worth it. Nov 11, 2024 · Snub-Nose PPC LA 10 2 6. It seems to me like the individual projectiles in the LB series clump quite tightly together and appear to have the same Oct 28, 2024 · Snub-Nose PPC LA 10 2 6,00 MML-5 RT 3 3 3,00 Partial Wing LT/RT - 4/4 3,50 Aug 12, 2021 · Awesome AWS-8Q is my favorite snub-PPC mech for brawling, with its PPC-Family +1 for ghost heat. Super agile but super fun. Dec 10, 2019 · I tried a snub PPC for the first time and liked it. The Snub PPC pushes the short range out into a medium range. The focused 10 points of damage hits hard against light mechs. 00 C3 Boosted Computer (Master) RT 0 6 6. I also get much more stability damage with + PPC variants. Sep 29, 2020 · The mike variant of the Banshee can be made into a vicious brawler - rip out its standard weapons, mount the SNPPC in place of a PPC, and then load it down with SL. 00 Ammo (Gauss Rifle) 16 RT -- 2 2. 00 Of course in MWO, it's basically COD with mechs so almost everything has 100% accuracy. Something like a Gauss rifle on the other hand will apply all its damage to one location, making it more likely that it'll suffice to wreck the remaining armor and do structure damage etc. Medium and large lasers get a bonus to accuracy over other weapons (Small Lasers do as Mar 22, 2024 · The snub-nose PPC is capable of the same amount of damage as its heavier counterpart at short range. It doesn't mix well with normal PPCs because of the range difference. The snub-nose PPC gives short range @9, defeating stealth range penalties and giving the same to-hit as a clan LPL with less BV. So yeah they’re worth it. Dr Kiran Suzuki hosts the seventh of a series of lectures as part of "BME 210: Advanced Weaponry Engineering for MechWarriors" this time discussing the ubiquitous PPC, albeit restricted purely to lab reviews and simulators thanks to Cadet "Tear Tooth" Perry badly crippling a Blackjack Omni training 'Mech after he tripped and fell onto its Gauss Rifle, detonating its capacitors. 5 heat as well. The two tons of LAC ammo are protected by CASE II, and a single extra double heat sink makes a walking alpha completely heat Mar 31, 2022 · Only Clan ER PPC does the splash damage, and only to 'Mechs. As far as the Light PPC, it has it uses as well, mostly for when you want the benefit of pin point damage but don't have the tonnage available to mount full size PPCs. However iv noticed that heavy metal (only dlc I have) adds in snub ppcs witch are both lighter and use less slots at the cost of a reduced range. 75 damage, sensor interference, short range. Lights just evaporate. 00 2 ER Medium Lasers LA 10 2 2. 00 2 ER Large Lasers RA 24 4 10. tv/impr0vise_Honestly this build is just a walking Snub Nose PPC. At 70 damage, 45 heat and 6 tons, the ++ER PPC has a terrible damage/heat ratio. SPAM SPAM SPAM the PPC till The Particle Projector Cannon (abbreviated as the PPC) is a canon type of long-range Energy weapon used in the BattleTech universe. However, the SNPPC's real power comes from its raw sandblasting potential, so you may well prefer to use those for coring/legging targets, as ++ SNPPC's do a whopping 125 base damage each PPC Classic. Multiple PPC shots stack the disable too. All the weapons were replaced with newer components, using paired snub-nosed PPC's, a trio of ER mediums, an ER small, and twin MML-3's in place of the originals. they dont run standard ppcs because they dont want to get ganked by face hugging squirrels so they dont understand the benefits of a slightly colder ppc. So your chances are pretty good that of your 3 lasers always one will miss and seldomly 2 or more will hit the same location. BattleTech Player Boards » Location Heat Critical Mass -----Snub-Nose PPC RA 10 2 6. And despite the minimum range, the PPC stays accurate closer than the numbers imply. . ) So it just seems relevant errata hasn't been issued, namely adjusting Snub-nose PPC introduction date for Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras and Tech Manual. Oh well. 1 Snub-Nose PPC Fusigon Smarttooth 2 Imperator Code Red LB 10-X ACs 1 Fusigon Shorttooth with Capacitor Light PPC + PPC Capacitor 1 Diverse Optics Sunfire ER Medium Laser Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises (MacAdams-Suharno) Primary Factory: Stewart Communications System: Corean Transband-J9 w Targeting and Tracking System: Corean B-Tech 2 heavy ppc's used to be a good poptart build, but now 3 regular ppc's is strictly better, since they got rid of the minimum range on them. Sep 10, 2022 · Join our Twitch: https://www. The PPC Capacitor is an extra component that can be added to any type of Particle Projector Cannon. Basically Solaris weapons industry trying to build something like a snub (which is extinct in the timeline), and they end up making the PPC-X. It might not sound like much (and the game's heat meter is a lot more generous than the tabletop one), but needing an extra 2 heat sinks per PPC does hurt. 00 A. I would remove the +5 damage snub, 3 heat sinks, 1 ML, and 1 ton of armor. Add 2 x -10 heat snubs. The real party started when I found an identical Snub PPC with +++ stability damage and put two in a Hunchback 4-G. so even at short range the Snub does less dmg than a Clan ER PPC at any range. Wow. The Snub-Nose PPC is to a Particle Projector Cannon as a sawed-off shotgun is to a shotgun. May 10, 2021 · Since the snub PPC is going be be nerfed because of the AC20+3snPPC combo, remember to use all the other combos before mothballing the mechs. Nov 26, 2019 · Help me again, where do you buy or salvage snub ppc? Where do this information come from anyway??? Open the Star Map. So, yeah; LRM-Locust armour AKA; Toilet Paper. It can outright cripple most lights and some mediums in a single hit. they have the heat of std ppc but can hit at point blank range. - 6 tons IS Light ppc 5 damage no min range less weight and space- 3 tons Clan ER ppc No min range 10 damage. WHM-6D: Refitted 210 Engine, 3 JJ, 2 Snub PPCs + + (+10 Dmg), 2 M Pulse Lasers, Exchanger + +, 14 additonal Single HS, 1040 armor. If you're able to find ++ER PPCs, you can also find ++snub PPCs. Yeah. Cannot be fitted to an Enhanced PPC Adds extra hexes of range to the appropriate range brackets of any PPC it is paired with, as per the lists below, and adds +3 to its existing minimum. The game is won in exploiting the margins - firing my ppc at 6 hexes so I get short range and my opponent has to take the medium range penalty for his large lasers. If you wonder how i could replace the engine: Playing with the mod MechEngineer. So whether you prefer one range or another you're going to find alternatives far better than the PPC at any range. The Tiegart Particle Projection Cannon provides similar performance to the Donal PPC while being ten percent smaller. 00 Snub-Nose PPC LT 10 2 6. The weapons were a mix of new and old, using the newly developed snub-nosed PPC's that were just entering field trials at the time. Mar 17, 2021 · Location From a distance in an Urbie But the Snub PPC is not a sniper MechWarrior and Battletech are registered trade-marks of Microsoft Corporation and are Oct 29, 2024 · The Capacitor must be located in the same location as the PPC to which it is mounted. It supports 8 energy, 2 missile and 2 close range hardpoints. Location: (Unknown) Communications System: (Unknown) Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass ER PPC RA 15 3 7. 00 Aug 4, 2023 · Even SNPPCs (Snub-nosed PPC, or Snub PPC as it's called in this )are also good for head popping so long as you have damage-upgraded variants of them. raiojd hgcmq ilqu lgzy xlcfd vvrac hqloz iapfp egxi lwwtc